Racmaninoff College of Fine Arts
The Music School
The Kremlin
Novgorod the Great, 173014

Telephone:  (8162) 66-21-25


School Contacts:
Natalia Tymonova
Director of English Department

Raquel Kangas
Peace Corps Volunteer
College of Fine Arts
Bolshaya Moskovskaya St. #70
Novgorod the Great 173014

(8162) 23-61-25

School Information:

  • Founded 1953
  • Named after Serge Racmaninoff  (native son)
  • ~300 Students
  • ~60 teachers, professors, instructors



    School Presentations:
    5 October 1999

  • 3rd year students: NMR story and communication exercise
  • 2nd year students: walking tour of the Kremlin grounds



    The Kremlin, Novgorod the Great

    PVC Raquel Kangas (center)
    and 3rd year students

    Girls passing through the Kremlin

    The Music School at Racmaninoff College of Fine Arts was established to prepare students to be music teachers, choir directors, conductors, or professional musicians (about 30% of the students follow a program of music specialization with a focus on entering a conservatory).

    The school offers the following courses: music theory, practicum, instrument specialization, orchestra, ensembles, literature, philosophy, and pedagogical studies.  (English is an elective and not seriously stressed).

    Special Thanks:
    Thank you Raquel Kangas for kindly agreeing to host my visit to Novgorod.  A potential "fly-by" turned into a special added treat, two schools visited, a TV interview, interesting sites visited, some good meals, lucky connections for the road after Novgorod, and a new friend.  I wish you the best as you complete your Peace Corps service and in your quest to continue service to Russians in Russia.

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